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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary

When you are coloring, the main thing people do is use the primary and secondary colors to color. So I thought that it'd be nice to teach you what the colors are called, and how they are made. I also threw in tertiary. These are the basics. So enjoy! primary = RED, YELLOW, BLUE Secondary = ORANGE, PURPLE, GREEN Tertiary= Colors like BLUE-GREEN, YELLOW-GREEN, RED-ORANGE,etc. Primary colors make up all the colors on the color wheel. The color wheel should be below. Secondary colors are colors that are made up of 2 primary colors on the color wheel. Tertiary colors are colrs that are made up of 2 secondary colors. By using all primary (or secondary or tertiary) colors in a drawing, you can make a color scheme. Which gives a balanced effect on your drawing. Color schemes are important to the drawing (I will touch on that later in time).

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