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Friday, March 29, 2013

Change up your style

If you think that everything you draw looks somewhat the same, its time to chang it up a little. How do i do that? You can do this in a variety of ways:

Method 1: watching more anime and focusing on the way the characters look will help you get a better idea of what you want to draw. For example on the anime called "bleach" there is a character named orehime. I think she has a well drawn body (not trying to be perverted or anything ha ha). You can draw a female body similar to orehime's.
Method 2: draw different poses. Drawing the same pose becomes boring after a while. Learn tondraw a body from profile (the side view) or from behind.
Method 3: color and shade with different colors that you don't really use, such as green. Color everything with a shade or tint of green.

Good luck! have fun.

Human anatomy

Well.. this blog is supposed to be a helper with drawing anime. So, most people would ask why there an anatomy video.. the video is supposed to teach you more about real eyes, to help you draw an anime eye. When you start drawing from human anatomy, it becomes easier to draw anime.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Draw an Eye (helpful video)

drawing anime noses

have you ever gotten halfway through drawing the face and thought about how you would draw the nose? well, fear no more. I have a simple method for drawing an anime adult nose.  most of the time anime noses aren't very detailed.

because of this, its quite okay to draw a somewhat lazily drawn nose.  I usually use an L shape for the nose.

 I hope this helps a little.  Good luck!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Sorry, I haven't been around lately, but midterms are kicking my butt.
Updates will be every week! sorry, I should be able to update every couple of days. Please work with me on this one lol.

Have a good one. Good luck!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tip for drawing eyes

When you are drawing eyes, you need to make sure the eyes are even and the same size (Only if you are drawing from the front or drawing someones face that is facing directly towards you.  I know it is a little hard to do, but after a while you will get used to it, and you will be able to draw the eyes symmetrically.

If you do not know how to draw anime eyes, look for the tutorial on "how to draw anime eyes beginners" on this site, using the navigation bar to your right.

Good luck :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

400+ views :)

Thank you so much again! I am just so happy to actually see something I've dreamed about come to life.  Please continue to support the site by clicking on the +1 button to your right (i think you have to sign into gmail or something).

Thanks Again, Zack Fulton

View in different Languages

Okay, I just figured out something extremely cool ._. You can view the blog in different languages, by clicking on the translate button on the home page. So... I thought that was pretty awesome.

Spread the Word

Okay... I know this is sort of my job -_- but I am doing as much as possible to help the site get noticed... and I'm having relatively small success.  If any of you have a friend or relative that is interested in drawing anime characters, please refer him (or her -.-) here.  I feel like this site is a great way to help someone start  with the foundations of drawing :).

Thank you,

Zack Fulton (Administrator)

Focus on drawing faces first

When you are beginning your journey to drawing anime you need to start small and work your way up.  For example, you should start with the facial features, when drawing characters.  After you learn how to draw the facial features (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) you should learn how to do the head and the hair.  Then, you should learn the neck and torso.  After that... Well, you get the idea.  Usually doing things in a sequential manner helps you a lot in the long run.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Use Grid Lines

When you are drawing, it is a good idea to use grid lines so you know where exactly to place certain things.  For example, let us say we have a head that has grid lines on it.  By using these lines, we can place the eyes in the correct spot to make the face look "normal".  When you are beginning to draw, using these grid lines will help keep your drawing organized.  Even more experienced anime, artists use this method, to make sure things look right before they outline it in sharpie/pen.

Please use grid-lines in the future, they will help you a ton.

Good luck.

Don't degrade yourself!

Sometimes, when I hear about people willing to start drawing, I always hear the negatives first.  Such as:
"It is not that good"
"You can draw a lot better"
or "I'm getting ready to just throw it out"
FIRST! It should not really matter about how "good" it looks.  You're supposed to be looking for growth, rather than perfection anyway.  Drawing should be just for fun, really.  There is no need to bring yourself down.
Second... No -.- I do not draw better than you.  I've just, simply, had more experience with it.  Sometimes my drawings are terrible ._. I might not publish it on the website, but at home, I draw some torn up stuff. Ha ha. Lastly... Don't throw any drawings out (As I've previously said before)  You need to keep your drawings, no matter how hard it is for you, because it will help you to see your strengths and weaknesses in your artworks and help you to future success.

SO! that's about it. ^__^. Good luck!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1+ The blog!

If you like the post that I made or like the blog overall please 1+ it .  This will help me see which posts are good and how to keep writing the posts in the future. Plus. They make me feel good inside. So! 1+ and I'll make the blog better for yall ^___^.

Using Sharpie in Drawings

NOW! For all you out there that consider youself at least an "Intermediate" level artist, i suggest you start using sharpie! Sharpie (or any other kind of black marker/pen) will bring out your work.  Instead of those dull, thin pencil lines, you'll have very dark and bold lines.

For you all that do not know how to properly use sharpies: (Don't be ashamed, I sucked at the beginning -.-)

  1. Sketch your drawing. This is what is called a plan. Remember? 
  2. Start actually drawing, and make sure you have all the lines that you are willing to keep on the paper.  The other sray marks you should erase
  3. Take your sharpie and outline
  4. Darken certain parts of your drawing (Ex. Darken the eyes or the lower strands of hair)
I would suggest that step 4 be done by people more advanced with sharpie.  This is because, if you mess up step 4... Your whole drawing will be ruined.

Good luck! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch more anime!

Okay, I'm going to give you an ideal way to learn this stuff! What stuff am I talking about? -.- You seriously just asked that... Okay I'll tell you. >___> Maybe I shouldn't... Well, I'll tell you anyway. DRAWING of course.
The method is basically watching  real anime series', or reading real mangas.  This method will help you to better picture how your drawings could look like.  The method will also help you brainstorm new ideas of how to move your created character around on paper, OR it could give you better ideas of facial expressions.
May sound crappy, but the method works. Try starting out with action or romance anime, they have a lot to offer. Some examples include: Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Inuyasha, Hitman Reborn and Ranma.

I haven't been drawing lately

Hi, It's me... Zack. I haven't been drawing lately because of all this crappy school work.  Over Spring break, which is in a week or two, I'll try to draw a little bit more :3. For now, I'm just going to post some tips that may be useful to anyone willing to start drawing anime.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sketch and Plan before

Usually, when someone starts drawing or doodling (including myself) usually they just start drawing ._. no planning, no draft, no nothing. Just drawing what comes to mind.  Well, recently, I noticed that going this route won't provide as much success.  To be truly successful in drawing a great character, you need to plan or sketch it first.  At least picture the character in your head before you draw it.  That's all! Keep this in mind the next time you draw sumthin :D. Good luck, again.

Drawing from Perspective

Ever drawn faces for a week or a long period of time and got bored of it? Well, you could change that by changign the view of your character.  What do I mean by this? That's a fair question; I mean, you should draw a face or head from side view or 3/4 view.   By doing this, you can better your knowledge of how draw different expressions ect.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


When you're drawing anime or your favorite character, you need to make sure that you save your papers in a folder.  Put them in a page protector or in a binder.  Why, you ask? So you can see your progress. When you continue to draw, you'll see progress. I'm sure of it :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

100 Viewss!!

YESSS FINALLY 100 VIEWS :D. *Happy Dance*.  Thanks Viewers >__> Or should I say silent viewers.... Y u no comment on me page -.-

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Trouble drawing body parts?

If you have trouble drawing body parts, you should refer to drawing from human anatomy.  Some people may ask, "What is 'Human Anatomy'"? Human Anatomy is basically the structure of the human body.  By learning to draw Human Anatomy you can draw anime more efficiently, because you will know how a certain body part looks and how to draw it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Thank you :)

just wanted to say a warm thanks to ppl that viewed my first bko :3 . ill try to make it as good as possible for yal :D.

what's your favorite anime / manga?

comment below :3

how to draw anime eyes beginners


If any people have any requests as to what I should draw or do on this site, I'll be glad to assist. I'll do my best, but just remember that I'm still learning just as you are :) >_> Not sure how this message thing works but you can leave it under a comment or yeah.... Bologna is spelled weird.... Cya.


Yes, I said Tutorials! :D As of right now I'm trying my best to create some.  But, it's not as easy on a tablet as it is with pencil and paper.  They'll come out pretty soon, just be patient :3

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Old but still like it :)

Shading Vs. Coloring

Some people are stuck between shading with pencil and coloring and don't really know which one to start with.  Well... What do I think? I think that you should start with shading, then work your way with coloring. You should also take one of those basic art classes and stuff :3 . They seem boring and may seem useless, but you'll learn about which colors fit together and how to use them.


If you have any questions feel free to comment on the posts. I may not be an expert, but I'll do my best to answer for ya ! :)

New Drawing :3

Toshiro Hitsugaya Drawing

Where Do I start?

Frequently asked question... And I don't blame you, I asked the same thing.  (Not saying I'm an expert or anything).  I started with the head and then worked my way down the body.  Usually people go straight into the facial features when starting.  That's probably the best thing to do.  BUTT (lol butt :D. ok. back into seriuos mode -.-) You should start with one thing and somewhat master it before moving on.  Most importantly keep trying and practicing and you should be fine ^___^.

Beginners Luck?

I personally never believed in beginngers luck, or that "born with the talent" crap -.- . You should do things step by step, and practice and repitition should strengthen your talent.  If you apply this to learning to draw, you will do splendidly. At first it may be difficult, but if you stick to it, you will show improvement :D


Ok, I know some people get all freaked out and go a little overboard with materials and stuff when it comes to starting to draw. Well here is a pointer for you... CHILL. -.- It's just drawing. You can easily pick up a pencil and paper, then start doodling. That's how you improve! Remember, practice makes perfect!

First Blogg!

Hola!. I am a little new to this blogging stuff. On this site, or should i say BLOG -.-, you will be able to view some ways that I draw.  Maybe you will be able to learn some things.  Good luck!