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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Using Sharpie in Drawings

NOW! For all you out there that consider youself at least an "Intermediate" level artist, i suggest you start using sharpie! Sharpie (or any other kind of black marker/pen) will bring out your work.  Instead of those dull, thin pencil lines, you'll have very dark and bold lines.

For you all that do not know how to properly use sharpies: (Don't be ashamed, I sucked at the beginning -.-)

  1. Sketch your drawing. This is what is called a plan. Remember? 
  2. Start actually drawing, and make sure you have all the lines that you are willing to keep on the paper.  The other sray marks you should erase
  3. Take your sharpie and outline
  4. Darken certain parts of your drawing (Ex. Darken the eyes or the lower strands of hair)
I would suggest that step 4 be done by people more advanced with sharpie.  This is because, if you mess up step 4... Your whole drawing will be ruined.

Good luck! 

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